Giá LCD Samsung 27 inch LS27C310EAEXXV
Giá LCD Samsung 27 inch LS27C310EAEXXV Giá rẻ
Đặc điểm nổi bật
The price of the Samsung LS27C310EAEXXV 27-inch LCD monitor in Vietnam currently ranges from 2.990.000 đồng to 3.265.000 đồng, depending on the source, the condition of the monitor (new or used), and promotional programs of the retailers.
The list price of the Samsung LS27C310EAEXXV is 4.290.000 đồng, but currently most retailers are offering discounts of 10% to 30%, bringing the price down to between 2.990.000 đồng and 3.265.000 đồng.
In addition, you can also find used Samsung LS27C310EAEXXV monitors for a lower price, from around 1.900.000 đồng to 2.500.000 đồng. However, when buying a used monitor, you should carefully check the condition of the monitor to make sure it is still working properly.
Here is a price table of the Samsung LS27C310EAEXXV monitor at some reputable retailers in Vietnam:
LCD HP 19'' P19V
: 1,700,000LCD HP 20'' P204V
: 1,900,000LCD HP 22'' P22G5
: 2,400,000LCD HP 24'' P24H
: 2,900,000LCD HP 27'' P27H
: 4,100,000LCD DELL 20'' E2020H
: 1,800,000LCD DELL 22'' E2222H
: 2,200,000LCD DELL 24'' E2423H
: 2,580,000LCD DELL 27'' E2723H
: 3,500,000LCD SAMSUNG 22'' LS22C310EAEXXV
: 2,050,000LCD SAMSUNG 24'' LS24C310EAEXXV
: 2,320,000LCD SAMSUNG 27'' LS27C310EAEXXV
: 2,860,000LCD LENOVO 20'' E20-30
: 1,750,000LCD LENOVO 22'' E22-28
: 2,150,000LCD LENOVO 24'' E24-29
: 2,450,000LCD ASUS 22'' VY229HE
: 2,050,000LCD ASUS 24'' VZ24EHF
: 2,400,000LCD ASUS 27'' VA27EHF
: 3,050,000LCD VIEWSONIC 19'' VA1903A
: 1,230,000LCD VIEWSONIC 22'' VA2215-H
: 1,510,000LCD VIEWSONIC 24'' VA2432-H
: 1,920,000Và rất nhiều Model PC + LCD chính hãng - New khác **Giá siêu tốt**(HP/DELL/ASUS/LENOVO/SAMSUNG/VIEWSONIC/LG)Quý đại lý call/zalo 0797688880
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